LGBTQIA+ Awareness Dates 2024

A-Z By Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation


May 19
Agender Pride Day
Established in 2021 it is one of the most recent established Pride days and celebrates the agender community whilst raising awareness and educate about this identity. #AgenderPride
For more information visit



February 18-24
Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW)
An annual international event to spread awareness and acceptance of aromantic spectrum identities. #AromanticAwarenessWeek #AromanticAwareness
For more information visit


April 6
International Asexuality Day (IAD)
Raising awareness of ace umbrella identities including demisexual, grey-asexual and others. #InternationalAsexualityDay
For more information visit

October 20-26
Ace Week (formerly Asexual Awareness Week)
Dedicated to raising awareness about those on the asexual spectrum. #AsexualAwarenessWeek
For more information visit



September 16 – 23
Bisexual Awareness Week
Promoting bisexual community acceptance and a platform for advocating bisexual rights. To participate use #BiWeek & #BisexualAwarenessWeek on social media.
For more information visit

September 23
Celebrate Bisexuality Day
Also known as Bisexual Pride Day, Bi Visibility Day and CBD Day, it is an annual day to celebrate bisexual people, the bisexual community and the history of bisexuality. #BiDay #BiVisibilityDay
For more information visit



April 22 – April 28
Lesbian Visibility Week & Lesbian Visibility Day (April 26)
Celebrating lesbians and showing solidarity with all LGBTQI women and non-binary people. To particpate use #LesbianVisibilityWeek #LVW24, #LesbianVisibilityDay and #LwiththeT on social media.
For more information visit

October 8
International Lesbian Day
A day to celebrate lesbian history, culture and diversity around the world. #InternationalLesbianDay



May 17
International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia
A day to draw attention to the violence and discrimination experienced by people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, characteristics, and expressions. It is the date in 1990 when the WHO declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder. #InternationalDayAgainstHomophobia
For more information visit

May 22
Harvey Milk Day
Harvey Milk was the first openly gay man elected to public office in the USA. He was assassinated on November 27, 1978, after serving 11 months in office. The day is celebrated on his birthday. #HarveyMilkDay
For more information visit

June 1-30
LGBTQ+ Pride Month
Join your local pride parade and show off your pride and allyship. #LGBTQPrideMonth #PrideMonth

June 26
Same-Sex Marriage Legalized
On this day in 2015 the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states. #LoveWins #GayMarriag

June 28
Stonewall Riots Anniversary
Annual remembrance of the Stonewall Riots 1969 said to be the birth of the gay rights movement in the US and worldwide. #RememberStonewall #StonewallRiots
For more information visit

LGBT History Month 
Created in 1994 by Rodney Wilson, a High School teacher in Missouri it celebrates, commemorates and acknowledges the importance of historical figures in the LGBT community. #LGBTQHistoryMonth
For more information visit

October 11
National Coming Out Day
Started in 1988 after the 1-year anniversary of the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. #NationalComingOutDay
For more information visit

October 17
Spirit Day
Started in 2010 in support of LGBT youth and to stand up against bullying after a string of suicide deaths of gay teens. GLAAD rallied for teachers, workplaces, the media and students to go purple on this day. This color of the rainbow flag represents spirit. This day is observed on the 3rd Thursday in October and occurs during National Bullying Prevention Month. #SpiritDay #LGBTQYouth
For more information visit



July 8-14
Non-Binary Awareness Week
A celebration and awareness week of non-binary and gender nonconforming people. Participate by using #thisiswhatnonbinarylookslike & #NonBinaryAwarenessWeek on social media.

July 14
International Non-Binary People's Day
Celebrated annually on July 14 since 2012. The date falls at midpoint between International Women's Day (March 8) and International Men's Day (November 19). #NonBinaryPeoplesDay 
For more information visit

October 16
International Pronouns Day
Yearly on the third Wednesday of October. Seeking to make respecting and referring to people by their chosen personal pronouns commonplace. Use #PronounsDay to participate on social media. #InternationalPronounsDay
For more information visit



March 21
Omnisexual Awareness Day
An annual observance to raise awareness and promote understanding of the omnisexual orientation. The day serves as an opportunity to celebrate and support individuals who identify as omnisexual, fostering a more inclusive and accepting society for all.

July 6
Omnisexual Visibility Day
Raising awareness of omnisexuality and education on how it differs from pansexuality.
For more information visit



May 24
Pansexual and Panromantic Visibility Day
A day for anyone who identifies as pansexual and an opportunity to educate others about the community. #PansexualPride #PanromanticPride

December 8
Pansexual Pride Day
A day to celebrate pansexuality and the panromantic community



March 31
International Transgender Day of Visibility
The Trans Day of Visibility is dedicated to celebrating transgender and gender nonconforming people. #TransDayofVisibility #TransgenderDayOfVisibility
For more information visit

Trans Awareness Month

November 3
Trans Parent Day
A day to celebrate transgender parents as an alternative to the traditional Mother's & Father's Day celebrations and also includes parents of transgender children. Established in 2009 this day falls on the first Sunday of November.

November 13 - 19
Trans Awareness Week
Transgender Awareness Week is a time to educate the public about issues such as discrimination, violence and experiences that affect transgender people.
For more information visit

November 20
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR)
A day to commemorate all transgender people lost to violence.
For more information visit
